Friday, March 16, 2007

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed: "I shot Buckwheat"

As part of his recent rambling confession to almost every real or imagined terrorist plot, attack, or pipe-dream of the last dozen years, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (affectionately known as "KSM" to his CIA jailers at their secret prison in Poland over the last few years) has confessed to the last major unsolved crime of the 20th century: Who Shot Buckwheat.

Whether KSM really shot Buckwheat, or is just feeding his allegedly massive ego, or is simply padding his resume in anticipation of immanent martyrdom down at Guantanamo, or is trying to draw attention away from the real jihadist mastermind who planned the assassination of Buckwheat, well,... we may never know.


--Blue Girl said...

Finally justice is served.

He ialso confessed to being D.B.Cooper.

Anonymous said...

The problem is they will admit to everything or nothing.

Anonymous said...

I agree you can never tell who has done what without the smoking gun, even then you never really know if someone placed it there.